When it comes to diamonds, we usually think of the colourless variety. However, there are actually several different colours of diamonds, yellow and blue being two of the most popular. So, which is more valuable? The answer may surprise you. Read on to learn more about yellow and blue diamonds, which are more useful in the market.

What makes a diamond valuable?

A blue diamond's value is determined by its colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The most valuable blue diamonds are extremely rare, and their prices can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars per carat.

Yellow diamonds are also valuable, but their colour largely determines their value. The most valuable yellow diamonds are rare, and their prices range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars per carat.

So, what makes a diamond valuable? In short, it is a combination of its rarity, beauty, and durability.

Determining the value of a diamond

The 4 Cs: Cut, Clarity, Colour, and Carat Weight 

When assessing a diamond's value, there is one universal guideline—the four Cs: cut, clarity, colour, and carat weight. All four of these elements must be considered when determining the value of any given diamond. So let's break each one down further. 


The cut of a diamond determines how much light is reflected back out of it—this is known as its "fire" or "sparkle." A well-cut stone will reflect more light than one that has been poorly cut—and therefore have more sparkle and fire. Generally speaking, round diamonds are considered the most desirable cuts because they have the most sparkle; however, other shapes like marquise or pear may also be preferred by some customers due to their unique look. 


The clarity of a diamond refers to its blemishes or inclusions (internal imperfections). Inclusions affect how much light is refracted through the stone; if there are too many inclusions inside a stone, this light will be blocked from travelling through it properly and won't reach its full potential in terms of fire and brilliance. The fewer inclusions present in a diamond, the higher its clarity rating will be—and thus, the higher its value will be as well. 


Diamonds come in all colours ranging from D (colourless) down to Z (light yellow). Colourless diamonds (also known as white diamonds) are rarer than other coloured diamonds due to their purity; therefore, they typically cost more than those with tints or hues. However, coloured diamonds may still have significant value depending on their rarity and desirability among buyers. 

Carat Weight

Carat weight measures how big a diamond is; this impacts both its physical size and price tag. Generally speaking, bigger stones cost more than smaller ones since they are relatively rarer and harder to find than smaller ones—but this isn't always true! On the other hand, some buyers may prefer smaller stones for aesthetic reasons or because they want something that looks larger without having an excessive price tag attached; so just because something has a high carat weight doesn't necessarily mean it has higher value either!   

Yellow diamonds

While blue diamonds are scarce, yellow diamonds are the most common coloured diamond. However, that doesn't mean that they are less valuable. Yellow diamonds can be just as valuable as blue diamonds, depending on the specific characteristics of the stone.

When it comes to value, the colour of a yellow diamond is not as important as its clarity and carat weight. The more pure and rare a yellow diamond is, the more valuable it will be. So if you're looking for a yellow diamond that is both beautiful and valuable, make sure to pay attention to these characteristics.

The Basics of Yellow Diamonds 

Yellow diamonds are created when nitrogen is present during the formation process of the diamond. This nitrogen causes the diamond to absorb blue light, resulting in a yellowish hue instead of its usual colourless appearance. While these stones may not be as rare as pink or blue diamonds, they still hold their own with regard to rarity; only 4% of all mined diamonds can be classified as fancy yellow diamonds. 

Popularity & Investment Opportunities 

In recent years, yellow diamonds have increased in popularity, partly due to celebrities like Beyonce wearing them on the red carpet or incorporating them into engagement rings. But, of course, rarity also plays a role; many investors see these gems as an opportunity for investment because they're both beautiful and rare compared to other diamond colours. 

The Value of Yellow Diamonds 

Yellow diamonds are fairly rare but not as scarce as blue ones. They remain highly sought-after due to their vibrant hue that screams luxury and elegance. Like blue diamonds, yellow diamonds can range in hue from light lemon yellow to deep golden brown, with darker shades more valuable than lighter ones. While they may not be worth quite as much as blue ones (they usually sell for around $1 million per carat or less), their bright colouring still makes them extremely desirable among diamond connoisseurs looking for something special. 

Blue diamonds

While yellow diamonds are the most common colour of a diamond, blue diamonds are quite rare. Blue diamonds make up less than one per cent of all diamonds mined annually, but their scarcity makes them typically more expensive than yellow diamonds.

A blue diamond may be the right choice for you if you're looking for a unique and valuable diamond. But remember that because they're so rare, blue diamonds can be difficult to find and may come with a high price tag.

The Value of Blue Diamonds 

Blue diamonds are one of the rarest diamonds on the market, making them highly sought after by collectors and jewellery lovers, pushing their prices up significantly. Blue diamonds have been known to sell for as much as $3 million per carat due to their rarity and unique hue. Though they come in various shades, from light baby blue to deep navy, the darker hues tend to be worth more due to their increased scarcity level. 

The Origin Of Blue Diamonds 

The presence of boron particles and certain radiation treatments during the formation of the gemstone causes blue diamonds. Combining these two elements creates a chemical reaction that results in a beautiful blue colour. When looking at a blue diamond, you may also notice hints of yellow or grey hues, which adds to its beauty and uniqueness. 

The Rarity Of Blue Diamonds 

In comparison to other coloured diamonds, blue diamonds are scarce. As such, they tend to demand higher prices than traditional white or clear diamonds. For example, a one-carat fancy deep-blue diamond can cost around $1 million compared to $30 thousand for a non-blue one-carat diamond with similar characteristics. Additionally, because it is so hard to find blue diamonds with even colours without any visible flaws, those that meet these standards tend to be even more expensive because they are considered collector's items.  

Which is more expensive?

The value of a diamond is determined by its colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Blue diamonds are typically more expensive than yellow diamonds because they are less common. Blue diamonds also tend to have a higher purity level than yellow diamonds. 


When it comes down to it, both blue and yellow diamonds are incredibly valuable stones that are sure to turn heads with their distinctive hues. Which is ultimately more valuable depends largely on personal preference and budget; if you have money to spend, then a dark-hued blue diamond might be your best choice, but if you're looking for something slightly more affordable, then a yellow diamond could be an excellent option too. Whichever type you choose, either will make an amazing addition to any collection!